Complete Irish Breakfast

Serves As Many As You Like
What better way to start the day than a hearty Irish Breakfast? I don’t think that it
could get any better than this. Add pork and beans if it pleases you.
Irish Bacon (thin sliced bacon with low fat content like Canadian bacon)
Irish Sausage (thick breakfast sausage)
Black & White Pudding (this can be omitted)
Fried or scrambled Eggs
Potato Bread
Wheaten bread
1 – Shallow fry the bacon, sausages, eggs and black and white pudding until
cooked. You can choose to mix in a scramble or keep separate. You can leave out
the black and white pudding (see note)
2 – In a separate pan shallow fry the Potato Bread and also shallow fry the chopped
tomatoes and mushrooms until cooked. Keep these separate in pan.
3 – Serve this Irish “fry-up” with wheaten bread (toasted or not), jam, butter and
marmalade. Best when served along with a pot of tea and glasses of freshly
squeezed orange juice. This is a now a traditional, full Irish breakfast.
*Note: Black and white pudding is difficult to obtain and even unwanted in some
places. It is made by cooking blood or dried blood with a filler until it is thick
enough to congeal when cooled. I have included a recipe for those adventurous
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