Creamy Seafood Lasagna

8 servings| Prep Time 40 twinkles| Start to Finish 1 Hour 40 twinkles

9 raw lasagna polls
¼ mug adulation
1 medium onion, finely diced( ½ mug)
cloves garlic, finely diced
¼ mug each- purpose flour
2 mugs half- and- half
1 mug funk broth
⅓ mug dry sherry or funk broth
½ tablespoon swab
¼ tablespoon pepper
1 vessel( 15 oz) ricotta rubbish
½ mug grated Parmesan rubbish
1 egg, slightly beaten
¼ mug diced fresh parsley
2 packages( 8 oz each) firmed salad- style reproduction crabmeat, fused,
drained and diced
2 packages( 4 oz each) firmed cooked salad shrimp, fused, drained
3 mugs tattered mozzarella rubbish( 12 oz)
1 teaspoon diced fresh parsley, if asked

1Cook and drain polls as directed on package. Meanwhile, in 3- quart saucepan,
melt Adulation over medium heat. Cook onion and garlic in adulation 2 to 3 twinkles, stir-
ring sometimes, until onion is crisp- tender. Stir in flour; cook and stir until bub-
bly. Gradationally stir in half- and- half, broth, sherry, swab and pepper. Heat to boiling,
stirring constantly. pustule and stir 1 nanosecond; remove from heat.

2In medium coliseum, blend ricotta rubbish, Parmesan rubbish, egg and ¼ mug parsley.

3In ungreased 13×9- inch( 3- quart) glass baking dish, spread ¾ mug of the white
sauce. Top with 3 polls. Spread half of the reproduction crabmeat and shrimp over
polls; spread with ¾ mug of the sauce. Sprinkle with 1 mug of the mozzarella
rubbish; top with 3 polls. Spread ricotta admixture over polls; spread with ¾
mug of the sauce. Sprinkle with 1 mug of the mozzarella rubbish; top with remaining
Polls. Spread with remaining crabmeat, shrimp and sauce. Sprinkle with re-
maining 1 mug mozzarella rubbish.

4Cover baking dish tightly. indurate up to 3 months. flux in refrigerator overnight.

5Heat roaster to 350 °F. Uncover baking dish. Singe 40 to 45 twinkles or until rubbish
is light golden brown. Let stand 15 twinkles before cutting. Sprinkle with 1 table-
ladle parsley.

1 Serving Calories 560; Total Fat 29g( impregnated Fat 17g, Trans Fat 1g); Cholesterol
mg; Sodium 1400 mg; Total Carbohydrate 33g( Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 41g Ex-
changes 2 bounce, 5 Medium- Fat Meat, ½ Fat Carbohydrate Choices 2

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